Please join us in welcoming The Center for Great Expectations to our masses on the weekend of November 12 & 13. “CGE” Provides a Safe Place, Trauma Informed, Continuum of Care for their Adult and Adolescent Programs, Katy’s Place, Roots to Recovery, Supportive Housing and S.T.A.R.T Programs. They serve homeless, pregnant and/or parenting women and their children and men from all counties of New Jersey. The second collection that weekend will be in support of the vulnerable young mothers, children and men they serve; your support is greatly needed. If you can, please consider making a donation. CGE staff will be present at masses to answer any questions and share opportunities to help. For more information on the good works of the Center, visit their website at, or contact Noreen Whittemore at (732) 247-7003 x325 or [email protected]. Thank you!